Frequently Asked Questions

FAQ about living at Shepherd Village

Choosing a new home is not an easy decision. No question is too big or too small to help you decide what’s right for you. See our most frequently asked questions. If you have a question that hasn’t been answered, please Contact Us


  • Do I have to be Christian or Pentecostal to live at Shepherd Village?

    Shepherd Village welcomes people of all faiths. Our Spiritual Life services can serve people of all denominations. How, or if, you wish to participate is up to you. At the very core, our faith is expressed in the care and commitment we show one another.

  • What if my situation changes when I’m here? Can I move to a greater or lesser level of assistance if I want to?

    One of the most valued aspects of Shepherd Village is our continuum of care, meaning the accommodations and services we provide are designed to meet the different degrees of support you need, when you need it.

    Depending on the degree of change in your situation, you could choose to add or remove services, or consider a move to a suite in another building that offers less or more supports. Because all our buildings are together in one location, it means you can stay close to the people, routines, and community you love. The best idea is to speak with us right away if you’re considering a change.

  • Can I decorate my suite how I want?

    Your suite is your home to decorate as you wish. Cosmetic changes such as hanging artwork, new draperies, and wall paint are choices you can decide to invest in.

  • Can I have visitors?

    Of course! This is your home. Your friends and family are welcome to visit you anytime. They can take part in activities and join you for meals in the Courtyard Café, most dining rooms, and, for Terrace residents, the option of a private dining area. Guests can stay with you in your suite or they can take advantage of our comfortable and convenient guest suites. Visit the guest suites webpage to learn more and contact us about the guest suites and the private dining booking processes and pricing.

  • Can I have a pet?

    Pets are welcome in most of our suites. To check if pets are permitted in yours, contact us.

  • Do you accommodate dietary restrictions?

    Absolutely. We take health and dietary needs seriously. We can accommodate a variety of dietary needs, such as low-sodium, vegetarian, and gluten-free options. If your dietary restriction isn’t already being accommodated by our diverse menus, please speak with us. We’ll do our very best to meet your dietary needs.

  • Do you have parking?

    Yes. Depending on the accommodation you choose, there are underground and outdoor parking spots available for a minimal cost per month. We also have visitor parking and there is ample free parking right next door in the Agincourt Mall parking lot.